Thursday, November 13, 2008

Bring on the dark

It happens every year, but it's always a lovely surprise.  After the clocks go back, Richmond Park -- the London roadies' favourite sanctuary -- closes its gates at 4 o'clock every day.  So there's a glorious period when, for a couple of hours each day, the park is light enough to ride round but deserted.  Just me, a couple of other bikes, a few runners and thousands of wild animals.  And you can watch the lights go on all over the city.  It's a small vision of what the world could be like.

I know something similar happens on Summer evenings, but somehow the Autumn afternoons feel more special.

If you're anywhere near, join us.  But watch out for the deer -- the little devils get frisky when the sun goes down and they're hard to spot in the gloom.

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