Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Pray for Fatty

Like thousands of others, I've been captivated by the writing of Elden Nelson, aka Fatty, and his blog.  He's written entertainingly about all aspects of cycling and movingly about his beloved wife's struggle with cancer.

Things are looking very dark now for Elden, Susan and their family.  

It feels as though we should be doing something, but of course there's little we can.  You can visit his blog and leave a message, as hundreds are doing. 

Or go out for a ride, preferably wearing your Fat Cyclist jersey, and thank whatever God you believe in for the continued well-being of those you love.  That's what I'll be doing tomorrow.

And  I'll be thinking of Fatty.


Unknown said...

Good suggestion, going for a ride in FC kit. Sadly, the weather in Philadelphia is dastardly, and my bike is in the shop.

On the upside, this has left me with enough spare time to become the fourth audience member of your excellent blog.

Thanks for being a bright spot in a dark day.

The Flandrian said...

Hey, Philadelphia - really nice to have you on board. Yesterday in London was dark clouds, rain and a hint of snow but today has dawned bright blue and icy cold. No work today -- this recession has an upside -- so a good day to celebrate being alive with a ride to the hills.