Saturday, May 9, 2009

Assos - an apology

It has been brought to my attention that some of the posts on this blog in the past two years may have been interpreted as critical of white Assos shorts and their wearers.  

The impression may have been unintentionally given that white Assos shorts were a ghastly fashion mistake comparable with comb-overs and leopardskin thong swimming costumes (on men); that white Assos shorts were worn in the main by overpaid, Johnny-come-lately city boys who'd taken up cycling as just the latest fad and had no understanding of the long, intricate and subtle history and culture of this wonderful sport.  Regrettably, on occasion, it may have been suggested that white Assos shorts were a sign of more money than sense, and less taste than either.

Year in Hell Blogging PLC would like to take this opportunity to apologise unreservedly for any such unintended implications.   It is happy to make clear that white Assos shorts are fine, stylish and comfortable garments made to the highest standards, and chosen by passionate and dedicated cyclists as an expression of their commitment to the sport and its traditions.

Since you ask, yes I have bought a pair.  They were cheap (relatively) on eBay and the box says they put 23 percent less pressure on genital areas and 18 percent more compression on the muscle zone.   I wasn't aware that I had a muscle zone, but what's not to like?


Jason said...

It's an important point you make. Although I don't own a pair of white Assos shorts I believe the main criteria for buying and wearing a pair is skin colour. As long as one has a good tan then the wearer should be able to 'pull it off', so to speak.

The Flandrian said...

You're right. Working on the tan-lines is an important part of the cycling calendar.